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Doubletrees School is committed to a positive policy of encouraging learners to attend school regularly and maintain a pattern of good attendance throughout their school life. The school works in partnership with parents/carers, the Local Authority and other relevant services to secure this aim.

All children of compulsory school age have a right to receive full-time education and excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential.  

Parents and carers must ensure that their children of compulsory school age who are registered at school attend regularly.  Occasionally, and in exceptional circumstances, a reduced timetable can be arranged. 

Holidays during school time

The Department of Education has made amendments to the 2006 regulations.  These make it clear that Head Teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.  In the light of these changes, parents and carers need to be aware that it will no longer be possible to authorise Leave of Absence unless the exceptional circumstances have been explained.  Reasons such as "cheaper in term time" or "more convenient" are no longer acceptable.

For more information please have a look at the government Website on School Attendance and Absence.

When completing a Leave of Absence form, please give some thought to the 'exceptional circumstances' that you feel make it necessary for you to take your child out of school during term time.  This may include your child’s behaviour, medical condition or complex needs.

In order to counteract the effects of missed teaching and learning, please suggest some activities that your child would enjoy completing whilst they are away.  This may involve anything from bringing back a memento of a place they have visited, to keeping a diary of their time away, etc.

Part-time Timetables 

Reasons for a school and parent/carer agreeing to a reduced timetable could include:

  • Medical reasons - where a pupil has a serious medical condition, where recovery is the priority outcome.
  • As part of a short-term support package where a pupil is struggling in the school setting, perhaps with behaviour.
  • As part of a planned reintegration into school following an extended absence.

If a child/young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan, any consideration of a reduced timetable must include the Local Authority. In the case of a reduced timetable, the school remains responsible for the educational provision.

Please have a look at the guidance from Cornwall Council, 'Part-time timetables', for further information about part-time attendance for learners of statutory school age.

Leave of Absence in exceptional circumstances can be requested from the Headteacher. Please carefully read this page prior to completing the form.

Please be aware that, if the Head of School does not authorise your requested Leave of Absence and you continue to remove your child on the requested dates, the school is legally required/could impose a £60.00 fine.

Leave Of Absence Form

This form must be completed by the Parent / Carer and forwarded to the Head of School a minimum of two weeks before the requested Leave of Absence is taken.