Upper School - Preparing for Adulthood
We have merged provision for some KS3 learners alongside KS4 and 5 learners to form our Upper School. This allows us to create the most cohesive learning environments, with those of more similar needs and abilities working alongside each other. It also means that our learners spend a greater period of time preparing for their independence and life after school.
Students continue to follow the KS4 National Curriculum core subjects of English, Maths and Science, alongside the foundation subjects: Citizenship, Computing, Physical development, RE and PSHE including Sex & Relationships Education (when and where learners are cognitively able to access). We offer a five-year rolling curriculum underpinned by the entitlement areas; Arts, Design and Technology, Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages.
This provision is merged with the 'Preparation for Adulthood' curriculum, which includes three overarching strands of learning: Careers and related learning, Independent Life & Living Skills and Health, Wellbeing and Relationships. Each term has a different country as its theme. This global focus allows our learners to explore, experience and understand the wider world, developing an appreciation of different cultures and sensory experiences with the aim of further raising learner aspirations.
Learning in this phase becomes more orientated towards future aspirations and preparation for adulthood as our learners begin to apply the skills they have learnt to real life situations. There are core skills sessions for our Bridging to Learn and Ready to Learn cohorts, where they learn key skills in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT before having opportunities to apply these in real life and work-related opportunities. All of our learners work towards accreditation, through the ASDAN qualifications. Entry level certificates in Maths (AQA) and English (Edexcel) are also available to the most able.
Our close links with external agencies, such as Careers South West and Game Changer help support our learners in deciding where their next destination will be. One of the main aims of our Post-14 provision is to provide each learner with a wide range of career and employment experiences to support and inform their choices.
The aspirational end point of this phase is for all learners to leave Doubletrees School equipped with the skills they need to be as independent as possible; and that their next steps are informed by personal aspirations and interests. We aim to nurture these through their highly personalised curriculum pathway during their time at Doubletrees School.
Useful Links
The post-16 special educational needs (SEN) information area for young people in year 9 and above with Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans in Cornwall.
We aim to provide young people, families, parents, carers and SENCOs with information about all the options available as each young person explores and makes choices for post-16 education and training.
ASDAN's courses, which can be delivered in all post-16 institutions, range from supporting students during their post-16 transition year to helping young people develop the skills and knowledge to progress on to higher education, training or work.
DofE is open to any young person aged 14-24. Participants build their own programme, choosing activities and a cause to volunteer for. The DofE is structured into three levels of Award which increase in challenge and duration: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The main differences between the Award levels are the minimum length of time it takes to complete the programme, how challenging it is, and the minimum age you can start. There are four main sections of a DofE programme: Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and Expedition.