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NHS Training Team &Therapy Team

Doubletrees Community

Doubletrees has a wide range of staff working together within the school to support the children, young people and their families. Some are employed directly by the School, others have different lines of management.    

Classroom staff are employed directly by the Special Partnership Trust. This includes teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors. Administration and Site staff are also school employees.    

Other professionals who work at/visit the school work are employed by a range of agencies; some of these staff are based within the school, others have office bases elsewhere and work in school on particular days or as necessary.    

Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists are employees of Cornwall’s Health providers; all such professionals who work within school offer training for staff, advising them on their work with children and young people. The school meets on a regular basis with social care and health care managers to ensure relevant information, national guidance in relation to health/well-being is discussed/cascaded in an informed way.

The Visual /Hearing Impairment advisory teachers and Educational Psychologists are employed by the Local Authority; they provide staff training and advice on individual children's needs in accordance to their core/statutory offer.    

Transport to school is organised by the Local Authority not the school. Transport staff are employed by the transport companies; transport is requested by the school who outline pupil need via the Transport Request Form (TRF) outlining risk assessments which may be required.    

There are social workers for children/young people with disabilities who are Local Authority Employees and are based within the Children/Adult Specialist Services.

Doubletrees is also supported by DNS.  DNS provide specialist technical ICT support services and solutions to schools, educational establishments and businesses throughout Cornwall and Devon.

If you have a query relating to any of these areas it is best to contact the professionals directly. This will ensure that your message/queries/concerns are dealt with in the most efficient way.

NHS Training Team

The NHS training team provide training to school staff to carry out delegated health tasks.  




Marty Gammon & Alan Kennedy. IT Technicians with DNS:   DNS - Duchy Network Solutions/Equinox was established in 2010, DNS provide specialist technical ICT support services and solutions to schools, educational establishments and businesses throughout Cornwall and Devon.  We are constantly evaluating new ways to improve teaching and learning from classroom technologies to collaborative working solutions for academy trusts and groups of schools.


Childrens’ Community Therapy Team


Jackie Watson: Physiotherapist

Physiotherapists support with balance, exercising, stretching, movement skills, serial plastering, splints, specialist footwear and walking equipment.

Hannah James: Physiotherapist



Occupational Therapist’s support with hand skills, co-ordination, sensory advice, positioning and seating, developing independence sills with eating, dressing and personal care.

Support Staff

Support staff are made up of Technical Instructors, Therapy Assistants and Clerical staff, they support with the order, set up and checks of equipment, therapy programmes and support to the clinicians in all areas of therapy.

Tegan Chenoweth - Technical Instructor

Rosi Pritchard - Technical Instructor



Emily Mann - OT.                      Emma Render - OT.


Speech and Language Therapists

Speech and language therapists offer support and advice for developing language and creating a supportive communication environment. The SALT team can support speech, language, swallowing and alternative communication.



Bethany Taylor & Jessica Millward




Dietitian's offer advice and support for poor weight gain and growth, malnutrition, selective eating, texture modification, nutritional supplements and eating and drinking difficulties.

Lindsay McCullough           Nerys Matthews                 Sheila Kenney                           
     Dietetic Practitioner.        Dietitian.                                   Dietitian.