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This week in EYFS.....

Oak Class - 

In Oak class, learners explored a Spring sensory tray filled with petals, insects and plant pots. Fine motor skills were encouraged as well as learning new words linked to Spring.  We really enjoyed making our own Spring flowers!

Building Fine Motor Skills: The Foundation for Success

Fine motor skills are essential abilities that help our learners perform everyday tasks, such as writing, tying their shoes, using utensils, and even brushing their teeth. These skills involve the small muscles in the hands and fingers, which are key to a child’s development and overall success in school and beyond.

Why Are Fine Motor Skills Important?

Fine motor skills are foundational to academic and social success. Learners with well-developed fine motor skills are better equipped to handle writing, drawing, and cutting tasks. These skills are also crucial for self-care activities, like buttoning a shirt or zipping a jacket. As children grow, the strength and coordination they develop in their hands help them with more complex activities, such as using technology or playing musical instruments.  We had lots of sensory fun with our Spring tuff tray!



Juniper Class- 

Juniper class enjoyed a yoga session, where they explored moving their body in different ways and various breathing techniques to enable us to be calm throughout.

Classroom Yoga Benefits

1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Yoga encourages deep breathing and mindfulness, two practices that help reduce stress and calm the mind. When learners recognise how to focus on their breath and quiet their thoughts, they can approach their schoolwork with a clearer, more relaxed mindset. In moments of tension—whether before a test or during a busy class—students can use yoga techniques like deep breathing to regain calmness and focus.

2. Improved Focus and Concentration: Yoga helps strengthen the mind-body connection, which is essential for concentration and staying engaged during lessons. By practicing yoga, Juniper class have developed better attention span and self-awareness, which helps them stay focused during long periods of study or classroom activities.

3. Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Yoga teaches children how to manage their emotions by fostering a sense of calm and mindfulness. Leraners who practice yoga regularly often have better control over their reactions in stressful situations, whether it’s dealing with frustration in a project or navigating social challenges in the classroom. This emotional stability helps create a more harmonious classroom environment for everyone.

4. Physical Benefits: Apart from mental and emotional benefits, yoga also helps us to improve flexibility, strength, and overall physical health. This can lead to better posture, reduced physical tension, and more energy throughout the school day. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, allowing our learners to learn and grow to their fullest potential.


We are using Numicon pegs this term, and a five frames this week to practise placing one item as we give them a number name. We are beginning to recognise we sometimes have some left over, which do not fit. We will be working on this with other maths manipulatives as the term progresses.  We will keep you posted on our progress!