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Tesco Blue Token Scheme Appeal. Raising funds for our School playground!

We are very pleased to share with you that our school charity, The Friends of Doubletrees, have been successful with their bid for the Tesco Stronger Starts Blue Token Scheme.   The funding these blue tokens attract is dependent on Tesco customer support. 

Let's invite all our friends and families to donate their blue shopping tokens, to help support our new playground fund!

Look out for the collection points in our local Tesco(s) this Summer.

Thank you in advance for your support.  Let's raise as much as we can!

What is the Tesco Blue Token Scheme about?

Support for your community

Tesco Community Grants fund thousands of local community projects across the UK, helping to fight holiday hunger, tackle mental health, support young people, host community events and much more.

Tesco Community Grants helps to fund thousands of local projects across the country. Since 2016 the scheme has supported over 36,000 community groups with more than £85million in grants. The scheme aims to make a positive difference – because where our communities thrive, our business and our colleagues thrive too.

If you are shopping in any Tesco store, please ask for a blue token and pop it in the collection point, the charity with the most blue tokens at the end of the period will receive £1,500, the second place charity will receive £1,000 and the third place charity will receive £500. Everyone is a winner!

For more information about the Tesco Blue Token scheme, please click on the link below.