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Supporting Child Safety Week

Our learners have supported Child Safety Week in classes, by learning all about dangers and dangerous situations.  We have discussed how we keep ourselves, and each other safe through our actions and our choices. 

We have attached a Parent Pack below to support children and their families in the home.

Please read the introduction below to find out what the Child Accident Prevention Trust does, to support families. 

'The Child Accident Prevention Trust is the only UK charity to focus on preventing death and serious injury to children from avoidable accidents. Our vision is a safer world for all our children.

We were set up 40 years ago by two consultant paediatricians who could not bear to keep treating the same injuries day after day; and who sometimes, despite their best efforts, had to give the news that no parent ever wants to hear.

They knew that many of the deaths and life-changing injuries they were treating were needless and they became determined to prevent them.

We are still driven by that same passion to keep children safe.

Empowerment, education, influence

We focus on the three pillars of accident prevention: empowerment, education and influence.

  • We enable parents to make sense of safety advice and nurture happy, healthy families.
  • We provide educational resources, advice and training for everyone working with children and families.
  • We use our expertise to advise businesses and government.


We empower families to keep children safe from harm, spreading knowledge, building confidence and supporting changes in behaviour.

While our work benefits all children, we target disadvantaged communities where families have least access to opportunities to learn about safety and children are at greatest risk of serious harm.

Family support

We take our expertise to the frontline of family support, mobilising our network of 14,320 staff and volunteers who work alongside parents and children in communities UK-wide.

We enable them to act as local child safety champions, equipping them with engaging educational programmes and resources to deliver direct to families, and providing them with expert advice via our newsletters, training events and website.

Trusted advisors

Finally, we provide a trusted, expert voice on a complex issue.

We work with the NHS and public sector, companies, trade associations, standards bodies and government, raising the profile of child accident prevention and using our specialist knowledge to secure positive changes to services, products and the ways products are sold.'

For more information about the Child Accident Prevention Trust, please click on the link below.

About us | Child Accident Prevention Trust (