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Doubletrees News

Small Business News: Crowdsourcing, Google, Twitter Changes

  • 21/03/24

    World Down's Syndrome Day - Wear Odd Socks!

    We wore odd socks to school on the 21.03.24 in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day 2024.  Thank you to everyone who 'Rocked their Socks'.  We enjoyed comparing our sock's colours and pictures, and supporting this fantastic cause. If you would like to donate to the ch...
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  • 19/03/24

    Easter Family Engagement

    Our learners in Maple class invited their parents to come in to school to help them make Spring crafts for their Bloomin Marvellous display.  Parents joined in with colouring and creating Easter themed art. Well done Maple class!
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  • 15/03/24

    BikeAbility. Accessible Bicycle Lessons

    Our Learners currently access BikeAbility with Emma at Par running track as part of their curriculum. If families are interested in continuing additional lessons with the team in school holiday's, they are available to book as above.    
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  • 13/03/24

    Red Nose Day 2024

    We celebrated Red Nose Day one day early this year! Our theme this year is, wear something red to school, and tell a joke to make someone laugh! We raised a total of £28.00. Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed.
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  • 06/03/24

    Maple class visit St Austell Library

    Maple class enjoyed a school trip to St Austell Library this week.  They enjoyed reading with the staff and learning all about their roles.  This visit will count towards their 'Careers Encounters' curriculum targets, and also recognised World Book Day 2024 with our Read Your...
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  • 18/01/24

    Doubletrees Forest School

    Forest School has resumed in Cherry class this term for a number of learners.  Their ambition is to re-energise the outdoor play area for both Cherry and Elm classes to enjoy, which will include the planting of a variety of flora and fauna in raised beds for learners to nurture and admire...
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  • 05/12/23

    Santa & Elves Visit Doubletrees!

    We had some fantastic visitors at Doubletrees!  Santa and his Elves popped in to Doubletrees to meet our learners and to donate our school Christmas tree, compliments of Par Garden Centre.  Our learners really enjoyed interacting with them, especially ringing the jingle bell...
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  • 24/11/23

    Student Council/Pupil Voice

     At Doubletrees we have a student council that sit on a regular basis with learner representatives from all of our classes.  Last week, our learners discussed safety, well-being and internet safety and used 'Big Mac' communication buttons and their voices to register thei...
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  • 15/11/23

    BikeAbility Lessons

    Little Orchard and Maple have been enjoying BikeAbility lessons at Par running track.  We tried all different types of bikes, including electric, 2, 3 and 4 wheeled versions.  We had a lot of fun, and we definitely learnt a few more skills.  Well done Orchard and Maple...
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  • 13/11/23

    Armistice Day at Doubletrees

    In our RE classes and our Collective Workshops, we participated in honouring the fallen in our Armistice celebration.  We painted our own poppies and laid them all out on the Atrium floor to replicate the poppies of Flanders Fields.  We walked through the poppies and ma...
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  • 03/11/23

    Children in Need. Wear spots to school!

    We supported children in need by wearing 'Lots of Spots' to school this week. Donations are still welcomed and can be collected for another week.  We have sent you a link on our Facebook page, and the link is also available below, so you can donate on-line if you wish.  C...
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  • 11/10/23

    Time 2 Move Holiday Programmes

    The Time2Move Holiday Programme will offer fun physical activities, games and wider activities plus a meal for all children.  Activities will be taking place across the Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays. All children aged 5 to 16 are welcome to attend, and it is completely funded...
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