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Doubletrees News

Small Business News: Crowdsourcing, Google, Twitter Changes

March 2024

  • 27/03/24

    Easter Church Visit

    This week our Maple, Cedar and Willow classes went on a school trip to our local St Blazey Church.  Our learners had a good look around the Church and learnt all about the true meaning of Easter and what religion and diversity means to so many people.  Some of our parents attende...
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  • 25/03/24

    Easter Egg Donation - North Cornwall Moorlanders Motorcycle Club

    We would like to thank Mr and Mrs Hobba from St Austell Moorlanders Motor cycle club for your very generous donation of chocolate eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!
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  • 25/03/24

    School Playground Donation from Par Garden Centre & the Santa's Grotto Team!

    We would like to extend a huge thank you to Mark Housman, Andy Gill, Craig Munday, Sarah Caesar and Par Garden Centre's team for your incredibly kind donation of £1015 from your Santa’s Grotto.  We are so grateful that Mark and his team of Santa's, chose...
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  • 22/03/24

    Doubletrees Sports Week! Week Commencing 17.06.24

    Save the week!  We are planning our 2024 Sports Week.  This will begin the week commencing 17th June 2004.  Each class will be in contact with you shortly to let you know which day/date they have chosen, with a back- up date, just in case the weather isn't kind to us...
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  • 21/03/24

    World Down's Syndrome Day - Wear Odd Socks!

    We wore odd socks to school on the 21.03.24 in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day 2024.  Thank you to everyone who 'Rocked their Socks'.  We enjoyed comparing our sock's colours and pictures, and supporting this fantastic cause. If you would like to donate to the ch...
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  • 19/03/24

    Easter Family Engagement

    Our learners in Maple class invited their parents to come in to school to help them make Spring crafts for their Bloomin Marvellous display.  Parents joined in with colouring and creating Easter themed art. Well done Maple class!
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  • 15/03/24

    BikeAbility. Accessible Bicycle Lessons

    Our Learners currently access BikeAbility with Emma at Par running track as part of their curriculum. If families are interested in continuing additional lessons with the team in school holiday's, they are available to book as above.    
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  • 13/03/24

    Red Nose Day 2024

    We celebrated Red Nose Day one day early this year! Our theme this year is, wear something red to school, and tell a joke to make someone laugh! We raised a total of £28.00. Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed.
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  • 06/03/24

    Maple class visit St Austell Library

    Maple class enjoyed a school trip to St Austell Library this week.  They enjoyed reading with the staff and learning all about their roles.  This visit will count towards their 'Careers Encounters' curriculum targets, and also recognised World Book Day 2024 with our Read Your...
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March 2024