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SEN Information

All learners at Doubletrees School have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). All the children at our school have complex and significant needs in the area of cognition and learning as described in the SEN Code of Practice and may be described as having severe/profound and multiple or complex learning difficulties. The range and numbers of learners with special educational needs changes on an annual basis.  

Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments - Cornwall Council

An Education, Health and Care Plan is a legal document. Outcomes determined within them inform provision for all learners at Doubletrees.  Each year an Annual Review is held which evaluates the effectiveness of the school, health and care in meeting the long term outcomes identified within EHC Plans for all learners. These reviews are held with parents/carers and supporting agencies where appropriate.  All paperwork associated with review meetings are submitted to the Local Authority (LA). 

For more information about provision, please click here - Different types of settings for children with SEND - Cornwall Council

For the SEN 'Local Offer'. Please click here - Family Information Service Cornwall

Annual reviews are organised by Gemma Williams, EHCP Coordinator and chaired by the SENDCO, Joanne Hobbs.  All professionals who support individual learners are invited to attend and/or contribute to the review.  Reviews are held either at the school or via an online platform, such as Teams.   EHCP Co-Ordinator - Gemma Williams,

For further information please contact our SENDCO;

SENDCO - Joanne Hobbs: